There, they will find a wide marsh and the Forest of Fangorn.He suggests that they go as far down as the cataracts of Rauros. After they have eaten, Celeborn talks to them about their trip.She seems both present and far away, as though she has been left behind by Time.To Frodo, Galadriel no longer looks terrifying or filled with hidden power.They have come to say farewell and eat a final meal with the Company.Galadriel sings of Lothlórien and travel across the Sea.There is a boat coming toward them holding two Elves with paddles, Celeborn, and Galadriel.As they drift down the river, they hear singing.Aragorn, Frodo, and Sam ride in one boat Boromir, Merry, and Pippin in the second and Legolas and Gimli in the third.Haldir escorts them to their boats and bids them farewell.At the bank of the Silverlode, the Company finds three small gray boats loaded with their luggage and many extra coils of light, strong rope (which makes Sam happy).Each cloak clasps with a brooch "like a green leaf veined with silver" (2.8.28). They also receive gray cloaks that look like twilight under the trees, hiding the wearer from sight.The food is a very thin cake called lembas, a light, strengthening food for travel, which can keep you on your feet for many days. In the morning, the people of Lórien give them food and clothing.Frodo is becoming suspicious of Boromir's intentions.He adds that it is folly to go into Mordor without armed forces, and "folly to throw away folly to throw lives away, I mean" (2.8.19). Boromir tells them he will go to Gondor alone if he has to.Most of them want to go to Minas Tirith, in Gondor, first, before deciding their ultimate route to Mordor.After wishing the Lord and Lady good night, the Company gets together for a planning session.Aragorn thanks Celeborn: that will save them some time and effort. Celeborn offers them boats to travel down the Silverlode to the Great River Anduin.Boromir says he has to continue to Gondor in any case, and Aragorn adds that they have not yet decided their forward route.For those who do not want to go on, they can stay in Lothlórien for a time. Celeborn tells them that now is the time to leave, if they want to continue on their quest.The night before the Company leaves Lothlórien, they are summoned by the Lord and Lady.Quotes "Oft my thoughts return to the east, to my brother and father and the safety of Gondor." "Gondor alone stands between the Enemy and victory." "Dusty roads have I travelled, and for what? To wait? I have grown tired of waiting!" "In Gondor, it is said that the might of Elrond is in wisdom, not weapons." "There is war in the east, yet we sit idle with old maps and drawings." "'Deeds of strength and valour will be needed in the days to come. Volume II, Prologue, Instance: The Fellowship Departs - Solo only.Volume II, Prologue, Foreword: The Strength of Men - Man, Beorning.

Aragorn eventually found him dying under a tree.Ī voice came to him in a dream, speaking of the return of Isildur's Bane, and he took upon himself a great journey from Minas Tirith, far to the south, to Imladris, the hidden valley of Rivendell, home to Elrond Half-elven, one of the chief of the Wise. While defending Merry and Pippin from a group of Uruk-hai, he became mortally wounded by many arrows. He lived through III 2978 to 26 February III 3019. He was one of the Company of the Ring, though his mind grew set on claiming the Ring for his own purposes. Consequently, his father became grim and came to prefer Boromir over his brother. When Boromir was only ten years old, his mother, Finduilas, died. Boromir, the Captain-General of Gondor, is the eldest son of Denethor II, the Steward of Gondor and brother to Faramir.